Great business development on Bornholm
For some time now, Wilgart has been dreaming about turning our intermittent equipped basement business into a full functional cap-production facility, with all the professional tools, optimized for quality like the nature of Master Herr Bullmann’s workshop, where the capmaking craft was learned. With Wilgart receiving 105.000,- DKK funding from EU to create a headquarters workshop in the rural island of Bornholm, is part of that dream about to become realized.
The project
Imagine taking a ferry trip, driving into a forest, and on the end of a long tortuous bumpy road, ending up at the last capmaker in Denmark’s production facility! The place where my farther is running a local fruits exclusive juice press, will in 2018 also be housing a sewing workshop with the needed industrial sewing machines and wooden hat blocks to create handmade headwear. This workshop will be an extension of the capacity means of production that Wilgart prevail. Which means so far, there will be no change to the selling and sewing workshop in Copenhagen North West that has been the Wilgart base since 2013. The help and funding from LAG Bornholm makes the step towards a more efficient small batch cap-production in Denmark a reality. The project starts out in October this year, with me and my dad refurbishing the rooms, and the project period ends in Martz 2018 where sewing machines, hat blocks, steam iron and fabrics should be ready to cut. Follow the adventure on site, or online.

The psychologic factor in company processing
As an entrepreneur, you get to deal with tasks of tremendous variation. As for myself, the only capmaker in Scandinavia and simultaneously the only person in Wilgart, the variation stretches from handcraft to mental gymnastics. With the left hand, I have to excel a highly specialized craftsmanship and with the right mind, I have to persuade doubts into belief that decisions done in my company, are the right once to put into practice. As proprietor of a bold mind, (everybody has their own twisted version installed) is the latter challenge without comparison most provocative. Some days it seems hopeless, and the development of Wilgart feels counter-progressing and motivation hits rock-bottom. In other moments, my company is flying over the hills and the dream of a fortunate future appears as carved in stone. Somewhere in between are all the hard days of work, where tasks are completed one by one. Surprising and enjoyable customer visits, repair of sewing machines, ordering vegetable tanned leather from Germany, talking to master Herr Bullmann in Bullani Mützen, forecasting budget calculations and making caps from scratch. Loop these activities, and imagine yourself as a capmaker in a workshop like mine? Where would you go next? What would be your next move? At Wilgart we are moving part of the production deep into the forest of cliff island, Bornholm!

Local television broadcaster TV2 Bornholm, made this small interview with the capmaker Silas as the good news went public (In danish only).

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