
    • Bellis fino panama hat (natural)

      • Panamahat category "fino"
      • 100% Toquilla straw
      • Durable & fine braid
      • Hand-woven in Equador
      • Classic black hat bow tie
      • Straw hat in exclusive quality
      One of the biggest benefits of wearing a panama hat is its ability to protect you from the sun's harmful rays. The wide shade of the hat provides an effective barrier against the sun, protecting your face, neck and ears from sun damage. Whether you're at the beach, at an outdoor event, or just enjoying a sunny day in the city. This exclusive panama hat in the product category "fino", made of genuine toquilla straw, is not just an accessory, but an investment in style and quality. This sturdy Panama hat in natural color is Wilgart's finest of its kind so far. It is lighter, smoother and with a tighter braid of the straws than the rest of our range. Therefore, it is also more exclusive. Pulgada ratio 5/8 See our other range in the Panama hats category
    • Cayone Straw Hat with Leather Ribbon (Natural)

      • 100% Toquilla straw
      • Stabilizing leather trim
      • Leather hat band
      • Hand braid in Ecuador
      Sturdy but fine Panama hat in natural color. The hat holds the structure and shape better because the edge is bribed with a piece of leather. The straw hat is a light and airy alternative to the felt hat, especially when the sun is baking and you need good air circulation up around the head. Pulgada ratio 1/2
    • Dundee panama hat (stone)

      • 100% Toquilla straw
      • Leather ribbons and details
      • Hand braid in Ecuador
      Casual and fine panama hat in light brownish color. The straw hat is a light and airy alternative to the felt hat, especially when the sun is baking and you need good air circulation up around the head. Suede details on the hat band. Pulgada ratio 1/2
    • Lace toquilla trillby (natural)

      • 100% Toquilla straw
      • Real Panama hat
      • Hand-woven in Equador
      Wilgart hat shop naturally carries a wide selection of straw hats, which are the felt hat's natural substitute in summer and especially holiday times. Our Panama hats are made from genuine toquilla straw that has been woven with care by skilled craftsmen. Each straw is carefully selected and woven together to create a lightweight and breathable structure that provides a comfortable fit. The extra fine quality of the toquilla straws ensures that the hat is light and durable. Pulgada ratio 1/2
    • Lucca Toquilla trillby straw hat (stone)

      Wilgart hat shop naturally carries a wide selection of straw hats, which are the felt hat's natural substitute in summer and especially holiday times. Our Panama hats are made from genuine toquilla straw that has been woven with care by skilled craftsmen. Each straw is carefully selected and woven together to create a lightweight and breathable structure that provides a comfortable fit. The extra fine quality of the toquilla straws ensures that the hat is light and durable. Pulgada ratio 1/2
    • Lucida Feminine Straw Hat (Natural)

      • 100% Toquilla straw
      • Decorative bow at the neck
      • Real Panama hat
      • Hand-woven in Equador
      Wilgart hat shop naturally carries a wide selection of straw hats, which are the felt hat's natural substitute in summer and especially holiday times. Our Panama hats are made from genuine toquilla straw that has been woven with care by skilled craftsmen. Each straw is carefully selected and woven together to create a lightweight and breathable structure that provides a comfortable fit. The extra fine quality of the toquilla straws ensures that the hat is light and durable. Pulgada ratio 1/2
    • Claire Panama hat (white)

      • Panama hat in Toquilla straw
      • Lighter and finer braid
      • Dark brown leather band
      • Hand-woven in Equador
      • Classic white color
      • Straw hat in exclusive quality
      One of the biggest benefits of wearing a panama hat is its ability to protect you from the sun's harmful rays. The wide shade of the hat provides an effective barrier against the sun, protecting your face, neck and ears from sun damage. Whether you're at the beach, at an outdoor event, or just enjoying a sunny day in the city. This beautiful panama hat, made from genuine toquilla straw, is not just an accessory, but an investment in style and quality. The white variant of the panama hat is lighter, smoother and with a tighter braiding of the straws than other variants you'll find. Pulgada ratio 1/2
    • Arnes Panama hat (nature)

      13.2%  14 92 Original price was: € 106.Current price is: € 92.
      • Hand-braided in Ecuador
      • Real Panama Hat
      • Supplied by the hatpersona Herr Saietz, an former big player in the Danish hatbusiness.
      Excellent summer hat in real straw for the hot and sunny days. Can be used for both formal and informal events. Light and airy hat with a not too large brim. The Panama hat from Wilgart is also available in white dyeing here.

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